A CRISIS IS TOO GOOD A THING TO WASTE! Ahhh, how I remember Obama's little buddy, Rahm Emanual, Chief of Staff, making that statement some time ago. Well, considering what has happened in Haiti and the fact that he could not blame this one on George W Bush, it is the PERFECT platform for Obama to be the Presidential Savior of the World again! Unfortunately, there is considerable pain and suffering in Haiti right now; with much more to come and not helping them would be an unconscionable thing for anyone to do, BUT...... TENS of BILLIONS of countless dollars in cash, goods and manpower has been pumped into Haiti by nations of good-faith, to an immoral and horrible State that will NEVER be redeemed, no matter how much good money is thrown in after bad. Right now, gangs of thugs are intercepting aid shipments and placing them on the black market, robbing and looting each other and killing and raping at will, among the carnage already afflicting this poor, but corrupt country.
President Barack Hussein Obama loves the attention, loves to give away other people’s money, as he spreads the wealth while saving the world. He loves the camera, which clicks like hell every time he finds one of these crises', which is "too good a thing to waste." I also want to know... when he made the statement publically, that he was making a "LONG TERM INVESTMENT" in Haiti, just what the hell was meant by that? Just what kind of a return does he intends to make for this "investment" in Haiti anyway?
I guess we should be happy we are not from north of the border, because I understand that Canada is talking about allowing the immigration of a huge number of Haitians onto their soil, partly because the politicians believe that it is the right thing to do, and because they want MORE French speakers throughout their land. I also understand that in the past, Canada has already accommodated many Haitian immigrants, especially in the Province of Quebec where French is the ONLY official language. They expected these immigrants to become part of a productive society, which could help improve their economy. Just how productive and assimilated could most of these transplanted, third world peasants possibly be? With their economy being even worse than ours, the last thing Canada needs, are more people wanting to live off their system who will bring with them a Voodoo culture, with a history of lawlessness and violence...an act that cannot be easily reversed later.
I think we had better limit our savior activities to provide food, water, medical treatment and shelter, but no more than that. Pouring large sums of money we do not have into a corrupt cesspool expecting a flower that won't stink is a mistake. Let's just leave it at that!!!
President Barack Hussein Obama loves the attention, loves to give away other people’s money, as he spreads the wealth while saving the world. He loves the camera, which clicks like hell every time he finds one of these crises', which is "too good a thing to waste." I also want to know... when he made the statement publically, that he was making a "LONG TERM INVESTMENT" in Haiti, just what the hell was meant by that? Just what kind of a return does he intends to make for this "investment" in Haiti anyway?
I guess we should be happy we are not from north of the border, because I understand that Canada is talking about allowing the immigration of a huge number of Haitians onto their soil, partly because the politicians believe that it is the right thing to do, and because they want MORE French speakers throughout their land. I also understand that in the past, Canada has already accommodated many Haitian immigrants, especially in the Province of Quebec where French is the ONLY official language. They expected these immigrants to become part of a productive society, which could help improve their economy. Just how productive and assimilated could most of these transplanted, third world peasants possibly be? With their economy being even worse than ours, the last thing Canada needs, are more people wanting to live off their system who will bring with them a Voodoo culture, with a history of lawlessness and violence...an act that cannot be easily reversed later.
I think we had better limit our savior activities to provide food, water, medical treatment and shelter, but no more than that. Pouring large sums of money we do not have into a corrupt cesspool expecting a flower that won't stink is a mistake. Let's just leave it at that!!!

On another note....

I have to give PinocchiObama credit for being smarter than I gave him credit for. He yesterday, firmly rejected the suggestion that Senate Democrats try to pass a final health care bill before the newly elected Republican senator from Massachusetts takes his seat. I figured he would apply full speed and as much pressure on his house opponents to pass the health care bill before Scott Brown took his seat and opened up another can of worms. Instead he said, "Here's one thing I know, and I just want to make sure that this is off the table: The Senate certainly shouldn't try to jam anything through until Scott Brown is seated, "Obama told ABC's George Stephanopoulos in an interview." People in Massachusetts spoke. He's got to be part of that process." I guess he is slick enough to see that some of his opponents in the Senate are now crying in their soup because of the deals they accepted in exchange for their vote there. They now see that their constituents aren't stupid either and are expecting to find new jobs after the mid term elections in 2010. "I would advise that we try to move quickly to coalesce around those elements of the package that people agree on," he said, citing insurance market reforms, cost controls, and aid to small businesses for providing health coverage as elements that he wanted to see maintained. Obama said he would continue to press for health care reform and hinted that he was open to scaling back the current pieces of legislation into provisions that could gain enough support -- that means from Republicans -- to pass. We think it may not be to likely though... but if it does, it will at least be a bipartisan venture in which everyone voting for it can be held accountable by their constituents. There will be no ducking the issue and blaming it on the other party.

Now for another issue....

What do Americans around the country think about President Obama's first year in office?

What do Americans around the country think about President Obama's first year in office?

Not the Change We Wanted, A Lost Opportunity, An 'F' for Frustrating, Not the Leader We Need, Smoke and Mirrors.

These are a few of the comments recently made in a poll of what people think. 
I think the biggest mistake that PinocchiObama has made was to loose sight of his voters as he played the part of world savior on the political stage for all America. Open government has gone by the wayside, his reaction to a terrorist attack against this nation is woefully placid and his promise to return a bipartisanship atmosphere to the political process is laughable. The economy continues its free-fall, despite administration assurances that printing more money, spending more tax dollars and partially taking over the auto industry would restore the nation to financial health.
It's been one year now since we elected this new president of HOPE. We were promised change we could believe in, and people were left chanting, "Yes, we can." He is actually plunging this nation further into debt and deeper into political partisanship with his misused control of both the Senate and the House. So much promise came out of the election and inauguration. It was a promise of unity for a fragmented country; a hope that things would finally turn around after years of financial and global stresses. But that promise and hope hasn't fully come to form that it soon became tough to watch as the year progressed.
If Obama cannot come up with a turn-around policy...If this can't be done by the midterm elections, the frustration may continue until the country elects a new president. Remember...One year ago, we were assured that President Obama would finally bring the nation together. No longer would there be a Democrat or Republican America, but simply a United States of America working in unison to bring about the change we all craved so much. We would be much safer by his diplomatic efforts and ending President Bush's tactics in fighting terrorism. We could also expect transparency from his post-racial presidency. He did make a statement to pull troops from the Middle East and do away with Gitmo, but again, these are words... simply another promise broken by a lying man or one which has shown his inexperience in handling all matters of foreign policy and national security.
He has failed to bring transparency in handling health care and his rapid dive to protect Henry Louis Gates showed that he certainly is not post-racial and the one thing he has followed through on since his campaign is blaming his predecessor. This falls far short of the leadership we were promised. Where is this "change" we were promised?
I must say that I watched the global perspective of the U.S. change in a way that almost shocked me. In fact, there is no doubt that the world view of the U.S. has changed in a positive way since Obama took office, and that is something that historians will take note of, but it is reverting back to the same old thing in some countries as disbelief of spoken words returns abroad and in the U.S. I do recognize a massive waning of positive approval for Obama by Americans
America was a country filled with endless opportunity. I can't help but feel that all this stimulus money going out to create or save jobs, the health care reform bill, the bailouts and many other so called "changes" benefit President Obama's buddies and contributors first. We are naive and inexperienced, but we still hold out hope that the world is not as rotten and vile as our politicians make it seem.
So then...After one year in office, Obama has fallen short of his lofty goals. Granted, it was unrealistic to expect change in one year. It was foolish to believe that a change of administration would produce instant satisfaction, but promises were made.....which won the election. Still, there is a bright spot for 2010: Obama's ratings have fallen so low that perhaps now there is only one direction they can head. I just hope we can hold on for 2012 before a fiery crash occurs!

I think the biggest mistake that PinocchiObama has made was to loose sight of his voters as he played the part of world savior on the political stage for all America. Open government has gone by the wayside, his reaction to a terrorist attack against this nation is woefully placid and his promise to return a bipartisanship atmosphere to the political process is laughable. The economy continues its free-fall, despite administration assurances that printing more money, spending more tax dollars and partially taking over the auto industry would restore the nation to financial health.
It's been one year now since we elected this new president of HOPE. We were promised change we could believe in, and people were left chanting, "Yes, we can." He is actually plunging this nation further into debt and deeper into political partisanship with his misused control of both the Senate and the House. So much promise came out of the election and inauguration. It was a promise of unity for a fragmented country; a hope that things would finally turn around after years of financial and global stresses. But that promise and hope hasn't fully come to form that it soon became tough to watch as the year progressed.
If Obama cannot come up with a turn-around policy...If this can't be done by the midterm elections, the frustration may continue until the country elects a new president. Remember...One year ago, we were assured that President Obama would finally bring the nation together. No longer would there be a Democrat or Republican America, but simply a United States of America working in unison to bring about the change we all craved so much. We would be much safer by his diplomatic efforts and ending President Bush's tactics in fighting terrorism. We could also expect transparency from his post-racial presidency. He did make a statement to pull troops from the Middle East and do away with Gitmo, but again, these are words... simply another promise broken by a lying man or one which has shown his inexperience in handling all matters of foreign policy and national security.
He has failed to bring transparency in handling health care and his rapid dive to protect Henry Louis Gates showed that he certainly is not post-racial and the one thing he has followed through on since his campaign is blaming his predecessor. This falls far short of the leadership we were promised. Where is this "change" we were promised?
I must say that I watched the global perspective of the U.S. change in a way that almost shocked me. In fact, there is no doubt that the world view of the U.S. has changed in a positive way since Obama took office, and that is something that historians will take note of, but it is reverting back to the same old thing in some countries as disbelief of spoken words returns abroad and in the U.S. I do recognize a massive waning of positive approval for Obama by Americans
America was a country filled with endless opportunity. I can't help but feel that all this stimulus money going out to create or save jobs, the health care reform bill, the bailouts and many other so called "changes" benefit President Obama's buddies and contributors first. We are naive and inexperienced, but we still hold out hope that the world is not as rotten and vile as our politicians make it seem.
So then...After one year in office, Obama has fallen short of his lofty goals. Granted, it was unrealistic to expect change in one year. It was foolish to believe that a change of administration would produce instant satisfaction, but promises were made.....which won the election. Still, there is a bright spot for 2010: Obama's ratings have fallen so low that perhaps now there is only one direction they can head. I just hope we can hold on for 2012 before a fiery crash occurs!
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