More About being a Pissed off Patriot

Remember that I am of many culteral decents; French, German, Dutch Mennonite, American Indian and certified Hellion. I have a very healthy and comfortable relationship with God, but do not mingle with the church going wolves in sheep's clothing. ALSO, if I use a derogatory term to describe someone, remember it is only an expletive in today's dialect and often not my true feelings toward the person it describes. You know..."When in as the Romans." In my case usually..."When in Rome...Piss them off."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sat. Feb. 20th... It's About Time We Quit Kissin' Ass And Tell It Like It IS!!!!!!

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I continue to hear this Bullshit about gun laws and criminals and Americans and terrorists and Nukes and nuclear power plants and reactors and terrorists and on, and on, and on.........ENOUGH!!!!!!! Enough. I don't want to hear some shrinks take on the purpose or agenda of a nutcase who pulled a gun out during a meeting and blew her co-workers away. I don't want to see it on TV...I don't want to hear about it on a radio and I surely don't trust any Doctor who thinks they can predict what this person can or will do in the future.
I truly hate anyone who tries to deceive the general public with rhetoric that perpetuates their agenda or cause. I also truly hate what the media does in perpetuating the "coming out " of freakin' nuts who want to commit copy cat crimes, as a result of the media's great and wonderful coverage of a tragedy that shouldn't even be mentioned on TV. Did you hear any of what the judge said during the sentencing of the shoe bomber? (Can be seen in it's entirety at: )

"Reid My Lips"....It should have started, as the Honorable Judge William Young delivered the stinging rebuke to the "shoe bomber" terrorist Richard Reid at his sentencing hearing. This judge did what needed done....did it low profile...without reporters...TV or anything which perpetuated this asshole's agenda in killing innocent people in the name of his F#&@*$ up cause, in the name of a God he doesn't even know! This judge put him so deeply into jail that they will mail him sunshine and feed him beans, shot through a straw! For the rest of his Natural(??????) life! Read about it in the above link!
Now we're subjected to a dizzy bitch that blew her coworkers away. Because she had "public outbursts" previously and killed her brother with a shotgun years ago and was even previously involved with a 1993 bombing attempt on a Harvard medical school professor and doctor, you blame the NRA? A sordid tale of lunacy on the behalf of one sick female...and I must read the bullshit rhetoric and ravings of one Bonnie Erbe' at:
This woman needs to be drummed off the internet and dismissed from her writing duties. She is not at all capable of being non-biased in her writings. She blames the misguided actions of this nut case to the NRA. (By the way, I do not belong to the NRA, and do not hunt anymore ) I will say, that the NRA is a pain in the ass, but a necessary part of the "checks and balances" needed in our culture to keep our freedoms. They are constantly begging for money if you join the group, and sometimes they are as biased as the opposition. I must say however, that I do believe their mission is to protect Americans....both their right to bear arms and our freedoms in general.
Now......that said, Let me ask Ms. Erbe' a serious question......
Why do you blame all these killings, attempted bombings and public outbursts on the NRA? They fight for gun owner's right to have guns...not idiot, paranoid, Schizos who repeatedly go before court proceedings and get released because of a shady lawyer. Why can't go on your stupid rampage and direct it where it might do some good. Against lawyers who cause the repeated release of criminals who shouldn't be free at all, let alone get guns, if the courts would uphold the NRA approved gun laws now in place.
Besides if this woman had no gun...she would have simply poisoned the three co-workers instead of shooting them. What about her bomb? That has nothing to do with the NRA! Its people lady... do you get it? You can lay a gun on a counter in a shopping mall and it will remain lying there, doing absolutely nothing, until some demented asshole picks it up and shoots another person. Replace the gun with a knife and someone will get cut. Replace it with a club and someone will get a concussion. Remember...... long before any guns were ever invented, a boy killed his brother in a field. The Bible is silent about the actual way Cain killed Abel. It could have been with a sword, knife, rock, club, or some other way. The point is that the murder was apparently premeditated, and shows that even if we outlaw guns from our messed up society...... those who now pull a trigger will then use another avenue of destruction. My point is this...Forget the trigger lady... get the finger!

On another note from my rambling brain...... and call me paranoid, but... Why... with so many other financial and humanitarian problems facing us right now, does PinocchiObama want to build up
nuclear power plants? With terrorism what it is right now, do we really want any more nuke targets in America? Use turbine power to generate electricity like we used to... Remember TMI in 1979... And then Chernobyl power plant in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic? Do we not learn that having a big dog tied in your backyard is always a worry, because it may someday turn on you and bite? ESPECIALLY if the same people that do not use NRA sanctioned methods for background checks on firearms purchasers would happen to hire employees that will work in nuclear power plants! What terrorist would need a bomb then? Dammed you NRA people! You cause every problem in the world!
©The Pissed Off Patriot

Friday, February 19, 2010

Fri. Feb. 19th, 2010....Government That Is Truly For The Birds.

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As reported from various news media sources in Sacramento, City workers in the California capital blame the state's bird-repelling speakers for driving crows to defecate outside City Hall. Sacramento city maintenance worker Danny Williams said the birds that make nightly visits to do their business on the sidewalks, porches, vehicles and statues outside City Hall came to the area because they were driven away from the nearby California Environmental Protection Agency State building by speakers playing predatory bird sounds, The Sacramento Bee reported Friday."The birds got scared over there, so they came over to our City trees," Williams said. "And it gets really frustrating. You clean and clean, and the next day, its back. If I had all day, I still wouldn't get it all." City officials said they are considering measures to divert the birds away from official buildings, but budget issues may prevent them from installing a sound system similar to the one employed by the state building. Another suggestion from a New York boy is this. Bring in some of those big, ugly fisher cats in to saunter around where these birds roost. If those birds don't scatter simply from seeing the fisher cat...once that blood curdling scream is released to echo miles around, they should positively take flight then!
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The truth is that it is often wondered why the Sacramento City officials cannot create a plan that would do some real justice and invoke true karma , as to send these filthy flying poo bags to a place where they might better fit in, namely Washington D.C. Now here is a place where public defecation is mostly oral and does not affect the many historic statues that litter the city. It is a place where "guano" talks and others walk! A place where the elected vultures, and other avian predators circle the carrion daily , picking clean the bones of those less fortunate, who might honestly be left behind like Evan Byah.
U.S. Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana at CPAC made no apologies for trying to stop President Obama's agenda in Congress, telling conservative activists he proudly wears the "Party of No" label that Democrats have tried to pin on Republicans. "Some folks like to call us the 'Party of No,' " Pence said during his speech Friday. "Well, I say 'No' is way underrated here in Washington, D.C. Sometimes 'No' is just what this town needs to hear." U.S. Rep. Steve King of Iowa followed Pawlenty and fired up the crowd by declaring that Obama has "lost his mojo."
"He had more mojo than any president that I remember when he was inaugurated a year and a month ago. But now, the master-mesmerizer has lost his mojo," King said to rousing applause. "And if we stand our ground as constitutional conservatives, he's not going to get it back." Over the past 12 months, Republicans have seen the political tide turn: Obama's approval rating has dropped below 50 percent; several congressional Democrats have announced they will retire at the end of the year and Brown took the seat once occupied by Sen. Ted Kennedy, the liberal lion of Massachusetts for more than four decades. So it is with great hope that the people in charge of the city of Sacramento , find a way to send the dung dropping wings of prey , to Washington D.C. were they will fit in much better than where they are now. Get me one of those ugly fisher cats....
©The Pissed Off Patriot

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thurs. Feb. 11th... Yeah... Like We Ever Believed One Thing You Ever Said A-Hole...

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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a pro-regime rally today that their country is now a "nuclear state." He also said that they were not making bombs and that America better mind its own business! He said that if they were going to make a nuclear bomb, they would announce it. I say simply "Liar, liar, towel on fire..." because you can't believe a single word those lying, killing, underhanded, cold blooded murders of their own people, would ever say. They would lie to your face and tell you it was raining outside, when the sky was clear...simply because they hated you so bad. Hell, just look at their freakin' picture below! This is in their country...among their own kind...with no Americans in sight and they are raving idiots waving flags and screaming, just waiting and wanting to kill something or somebody. The bad thing is that they will kill their own kind as quickly as Americans, so what can we really expect?
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I know the one thing that we can expect... and that is to have them lie through their ugly rotten teeth about having enriched uranium and only using it at 20% to fuel their civilian nuclear program, which it says is creating fuel for power plants.
America and many of its allies accuse Tehran of using its civilian nuclear program -- which it says is creating fuel for power plants -- as a cover to build atomic weapons. They argue that Iran does not have the scientific know-how to turn enriched material into fuel rods for a reactor, and so must be planning to use the uranium -- which, if enriched to 90 percent, can be made into a bomb.
In his own lying words, Ahmadinejad said, "We have the capability to enrich uranium more than 20 percent or 80 percent, but we don't enrich (to this level) because we don't need it. We do not believe in manufacturing a bomb."
They better remember who they are messing with. We don't take lightly to making nuclear threats. We've used nuclear weapons before and though we don't want to, we will if forced. I see no clearer threat toward us than to have idiotic terrorist sympathizers like them, waving a nuke under our noses as he flips us the bird and moons us. You know, we have lots of stockpiled oil and many virgin oil fields not yet tapped. We have farms and workers to man them and can be about as self reliant as need be in the event of a nuclear blast that destroys Iran. We don't need them... However, if they nuked and destroyed America, How would they survive? You can't eat oil and you can't plant in nuclear toxic soil... Now who else is gonna feed you. Most of the world depends on America for their livelihood and food too.
I don't know...somehow I think we should bring all of our deployed troop's home and then go back and blitz them, ridding the world of the pukes! Who needs them anyway?

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Lovely little ladies, huh?
Hate, Hate, Hate.... that's all these screwed up heathens know!!!!
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Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, Feb. 5th... Reaganomics Crushed Socialism Once... It Seems To Attack Us Now .

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How great when your adversary fails, because your country's leadership finds their vulnerabilities and uses them to cripple their ability to continue the fight. Such is the famous "Reaganomics" of the cold war era, when Russia could no longer match military superiority or spending with the United States...after President Reagan unveiled his "Star Wars" program. The Russians folded under economic hardship, along with political and military uncertainty of such a massive program being the key to superiority in the world...making the United States "An Untouchable Nuclear Foe To Be Reckoned With". That, in light of the fact that Russia could no longer pursue a deterrent that didn't exist, with an economy that was collapsing, brought the end of Communism. What a brilliant stroke of Genius from President Ronald Reagan! Communism collapsed along with their economy and the world became a safer place to live for all mankind. Did Ronald Reagan receive a Nobel Peace Prize for disarming a nuclear Armageddon? Did anyone ever recognize what he had actually accomplished by using the Russian leaders superiority complexes, to force collapse of their economy, by goading military and political leaders to continue spending, spending, spending and trying to keep up with the United States, in an arms race their economy could not sustain? No... He was never recognized as the one President, who understood his foe and used that knowledge to manipulate them to self destruction, without loss of human life on either side, through open warfare; a definite peaceful, non-lethal end to Communism. There was no recognition, no Nobel Peace Prize, not even an "Atta-boy" for such a brilliant man! How sad that a great American went to his heavenly reward without such public recognition.
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In today's times, look who wins Nobel Peace Prizes... and for What?
Nearly twenty-seven years later and that use of spending, has come home to haunt us. Someone is using this same, brilliant ploy against the United States and is driving us toward economic failure, as we did the Soviet Union years ago. Those responsible have made the threat that they would "conquer from within, without firing a shot" and I believe they are doing it. The witch hunt for Osama Bin Laden is an atrocious joke, because, in the United States, we can find a single cow that gives bad milk, where ever it is. We know every cow in the United States of America, their numbers, who owns them and where they reside. We can do this, but we cannot find a living, breathing, human which must eat, drink and move about as we all do, within a world of greedy human nature, that will turn on you for the same thirteen pieces of Silver as Judas Iscariot did... in a heartbeat. Come on....get real, my friends!!!!
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This threat of terrorism will destroy us unless we forget long term deployment of our men and women to these foreign countries who do not want freedom. They will continue to fight and kill one another until the end of time and the Armageddon we side stepped in 1983. We need to go into a country, decisively crush the opposition and come home or stay out of there all together. Use our Military personnel to guard our borders and airports, protect our cities and work on our own problems at home...spending our dollars to make our country greater. Use our money to create awesome weapons, capable of protecting us and allowing us to recapture the "Star Wars" persona like Reagan used as world power. If a nuclear threat arises, crush it. If a retaliatory strike is launched, deter it with those weapons we spent good money developing. WE CAN DO IT, but we must quit chasing our tail which was pinned on us by Muslim terrorists just waiting for us to go broke and collapse as we run to war after war all over the globe. Obama is definitely a huge part of all this. If not with his Muslim ties and sympathies, then being the conqueror from within.... leading as a ceremonially grand speaker, with the knowledge of a town idiot, while others take over. Programs like "Cap-and-Trade" and the failed "UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference" goals, which Nancy Pelosi wishes to follow to a tee, will bankrupt us. This second grade idiot issues utterly crazed statements like the following:
“President Obama’s announcement marks a critical step forward in our effort to reduce the carbon footprint of the federal government—the largest consumer of energy in the U.S. economy.” a matter of record, the capitol building, in which she works every day, making these ludicrous statements, utilizes electric power which is provided by a coal-fired plant. And, for the record, the Speaker’s use of an executive jet to travel back and forth from her home in California every week has burned through $2.1 million while producing tons of greenhouse gases.
She also states:
“With the President’s renewed call to complete work on a clean energy bill this year we look forward to putting people to work building up the industries of tomorrow, reducing our dangerous dependence on foreign oil, and preserving our natural resources for generations to come.”
The so-called clean energy bill is
“Cap-and-Trade”, a piece of legislation that would tax the use of energy by all Americans, thus raising their energy bills and reducing their ability to spend their money on consumer goods and services. This nightmare of "intellectual initiatives" goes on and on by these two Marionette puppets of the Muslim world..... And While Congress continues on its wild borrowing and spending spree, Speaker Pelosi brags that "the Congressional Record will be printed on “100 percent recycled paper” and that Thomas Edison’s incandescent light bulbs will be replaced with “energy-efficient alternatives”. Light bulbs that all contain mercury?..a truly green alternative?... She doesn't have a clue!
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Ahhhhhhh, how secure I feel as an American, facing such an advisory of freedom. To think that if something
should happen to PinocchiObama, good ol' Honest Joe Biden would take over and talk the terrorist's legs off, as he tells them EVERYTHING... and if something should befall Honest Joe... we should be graced with such eloquence and intelligence as is exhibited by the vampish ol' Bella Pelosi. I know she would decide what's best for the WORLD while she does as she damned well pleases elsewhere....sucking blood from the government till, while flying off into the sunset... in a military Jet!
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Even an idiot like George W. Bush said it correctly when he stated the following: Remove Formatting from selection
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Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: "Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided." We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.
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Damned...what a start to another shitty day... well, enjoy it as best you can, knowing that much smarter folks are representing you and your future now!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, Feb. 2nd... America is in Agreement That This War Will Never End......

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We all know that this world is ever changing, but we all pretty much agree that we have entered into a war that will never end. Why, you ask? Because we will never rid the world of Muslims Al Qaeda militants who are never going to be satisfied unless they can kill all Americans and control the world. If they we like bees, which you could leave alone and after awhile, they would calm down, live their lives and leave everyone around them alone, everything would be ok. The problem is that all these towel head idiots are like wasps. You don't have to bother them. Just get too close and they swarm all over you stinging...just to sting and bring pain to anyone or anything within striking distance.
The pentagon does a QDR, which stands for Quadrennial Defense Review, a study mandated every four years by Congress to assess security threats and defense capabilities. To date, it doesn't look very good for us! Even though Obama made the promise to end the war, he also made the statement that Afghanistan as a righteous war that must be won. Even during Obama's acceptance of his Nobel Peace Prize, he pointed out that, "In a brutal world, armed force is essential." If everyone knew of all the covert operations Obama has sanctioned since in office, and has been apart of...they would also understand how funny a Nobel Peace Prize in his name really is! Obama also said, "We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth: We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes. There will be times when nations -- acting individually or in concert -- will find the use of force not only necessary but morally justified.''
High among the potential threats are outbreaks elsewhere of conflicts similar to the war in Afghanistan, a bloody and high-intensity war with insurgents driven by religious and tribal fanaticism. Iraq and Afghanistan, two conflicts in which the United States currently has committed 176,000 troops, are "not aberrations, but harbingers'' of future conflict, Michele Flournoy, the Pentagon's top civilian strategist, told reporters Monday.
All I know is that we are spending money hand over fist and we had better get used to it. There is no end in sight if we are to keep America safe. They are all around us people... and they hate us... because we are free.
You know...people really do hate our President. I am still stunned and amazed that so many people hate him...and these people are the same ones who followed him during the election, chanting his name and considering him a messiah... the savior who was going to change America. Now that he has changed things, they don't like him...or his changes...and they ain't seen nothin' yet! Just wait...he still has three more years to continue changing things here in America. Oh boy...can't ya wait?
I find the following statistics simply amazing concerning our President... yet I agree with a lot of them......why then is he president if so many feel these things?
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-- Sixty-three percent of Republicans believe Obama is a socialist while 21 percent disagree and 16 percent are not sure. I too believe his is a socialist due to his policies and agenda.
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-- Thirty-nine percent say Obama should be impeached, 32 percent disagree and 29 percent are undecided. I would really rather not have him in charge of America...but not Palin!
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-- Forty-two percent believe Obama was born in the U.S. while 36 percent do not, with 22 percent undecided. I do not believe he was born in this country...or Hawaii....
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-- Fifty-three percent believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president while 14 percent do not and 33 percent are undecided. At least she has been a governor a whole term.
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-- Thirty-six percent reject the idea that Obama is a racist and hates white people, while 31 percent says he does and 33 percent are undecided. I believe he tipped his hand with the Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. incident... Yes, I therefore agree...
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-- Forty-three percent say they don't believe Obama wants terrorists to win while 24 percent say he does, with 33 percent undecided. I have believed from the very beginning that he had too many ties to shady characters....Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Acorn and others to name a few, all of which had direct ties to terrorists. I think he is a Muslim sympathizer at heart, due to his father and his own beliefs.
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Will we ever be able to weather the storm throughout the next three years... only because we are Americans...Even when our POW's were locked up in Saigon for years, they all remained Americans...Free at heart, even if imprisoned in body.
Yes, we will remain Americans and free Americans, for there is no more formidable advisory than Americans fighting to retain their freedom. America always takes the fight to the enemy...And that's where it ends! We will triumph for God is truly on our side.

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