More About being a Pissed off Patriot

Remember that I am of many culteral decents; French, German, Dutch Mennonite, American Indian and certified Hellion. I have a very healthy and comfortable relationship with God, but do not mingle with the church going wolves in sheep's clothing. ALSO, if I use a derogatory term to describe someone, remember it is only an expletive in today's dialect and often not my true feelings toward the person it describes. You know..."When in as the Romans." In my case usually..."When in Rome...Piss them off."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sat. Feb. 20th... It's About Time We Quit Kissin' Ass And Tell It Like It IS!!!!!!

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I continue to hear this Bullshit about gun laws and criminals and Americans and terrorists and Nukes and nuclear power plants and reactors and terrorists and on, and on, and on.........ENOUGH!!!!!!! Enough. I don't want to hear some shrinks take on the purpose or agenda of a nutcase who pulled a gun out during a meeting and blew her co-workers away. I don't want to see it on TV...I don't want to hear about it on a radio and I surely don't trust any Doctor who thinks they can predict what this person can or will do in the future.
I truly hate anyone who tries to deceive the general public with rhetoric that perpetuates their agenda or cause. I also truly hate what the media does in perpetuating the "coming out " of freakin' nuts who want to commit copy cat crimes, as a result of the media's great and wonderful coverage of a tragedy that shouldn't even be mentioned on TV. Did you hear any of what the judge said during the sentencing of the shoe bomber? (Can be seen in it's entirety at: )

"Reid My Lips"....It should have started, as the Honorable Judge William Young delivered the stinging rebuke to the "shoe bomber" terrorist Richard Reid at his sentencing hearing. This judge did what needed done....did it low profile...without reporters...TV or anything which perpetuated this asshole's agenda in killing innocent people in the name of his F#&@*$ up cause, in the name of a God he doesn't even know! This judge put him so deeply into jail that they will mail him sunshine and feed him beans, shot through a straw! For the rest of his Natural(??????) life! Read about it in the above link!
Now we're subjected to a dizzy bitch that blew her coworkers away. Because she had "public outbursts" previously and killed her brother with a shotgun years ago and was even previously involved with a 1993 bombing attempt on a Harvard medical school professor and doctor, you blame the NRA? A sordid tale of lunacy on the behalf of one sick female...and I must read the bullshit rhetoric and ravings of one Bonnie Erbe' at:
This woman needs to be drummed off the internet and dismissed from her writing duties. She is not at all capable of being non-biased in her writings. She blames the misguided actions of this nut case to the NRA. (By the way, I do not belong to the NRA, and do not hunt anymore ) I will say, that the NRA is a pain in the ass, but a necessary part of the "checks and balances" needed in our culture to keep our freedoms. They are constantly begging for money if you join the group, and sometimes they are as biased as the opposition. I must say however, that I do believe their mission is to protect Americans....both their right to bear arms and our freedoms in general.
Now......that said, Let me ask Ms. Erbe' a serious question......
Why do you blame all these killings, attempted bombings and public outbursts on the NRA? They fight for gun owner's right to have guns...not idiot, paranoid, Schizos who repeatedly go before court proceedings and get released because of a shady lawyer. Why can't go on your stupid rampage and direct it where it might do some good. Against lawyers who cause the repeated release of criminals who shouldn't be free at all, let alone get guns, if the courts would uphold the NRA approved gun laws now in place.
Besides if this woman had no gun...she would have simply poisoned the three co-workers instead of shooting them. What about her bomb? That has nothing to do with the NRA! Its people lady... do you get it? You can lay a gun on a counter in a shopping mall and it will remain lying there, doing absolutely nothing, until some demented asshole picks it up and shoots another person. Replace the gun with a knife and someone will get cut. Replace it with a club and someone will get a concussion. Remember...... long before any guns were ever invented, a boy killed his brother in a field. The Bible is silent about the actual way Cain killed Abel. It could have been with a sword, knife, rock, club, or some other way. The point is that the murder was apparently premeditated, and shows that even if we outlaw guns from our messed up society...... those who now pull a trigger will then use another avenue of destruction. My point is this...Forget the trigger lady... get the finger!

On another note from my rambling brain...... and call me paranoid, but... Why... with so many other financial and humanitarian problems facing us right now, does PinocchiObama want to build up
nuclear power plants? With terrorism what it is right now, do we really want any more nuke targets in America? Use turbine power to generate electricity like we used to... Remember TMI in 1979... And then Chernobyl power plant in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic? Do we not learn that having a big dog tied in your backyard is always a worry, because it may someday turn on you and bite? ESPECIALLY if the same people that do not use NRA sanctioned methods for background checks on firearms purchasers would happen to hire employees that will work in nuclear power plants! What terrorist would need a bomb then? Dammed you NRA people! You cause every problem in the world!
©The Pissed Off Patriot

1 comment:

Frances said...

Your views about gun laws go back to the slogan used several years ago, 'When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns'. And your views on Obie and the nuclear power plants also make me remember the Muslims saying they would conquer the U.S. from within. God, help us!!!
Hope we all have a good day, while we can.