More About being a Pissed off Patriot

Remember that I am of many culteral decents; French, German, Dutch Mennonite, American Indian and certified Hellion. I have a very healthy and comfortable relationship with God, but do not mingle with the church going wolves in sheep's clothing. ALSO, if I use a derogatory term to describe someone, remember it is only an expletive in today's dialect and often not my true feelings toward the person it describes. You know..."When in as the Romans." In my case usually..."When in Rome...Piss them off."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, Feb. 2nd... America is in Agreement That This War Will Never End......

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We all know that this world is ever changing, but we all pretty much agree that we have entered into a war that will never end. Why, you ask? Because we will never rid the world of Muslims Al Qaeda militants who are never going to be satisfied unless they can kill all Americans and control the world. If they we like bees, which you could leave alone and after awhile, they would calm down, live their lives and leave everyone around them alone, everything would be ok. The problem is that all these towel head idiots are like wasps. You don't have to bother them. Just get too close and they swarm all over you stinging...just to sting and bring pain to anyone or anything within striking distance.
The pentagon does a QDR, which stands for Quadrennial Defense Review, a study mandated every four years by Congress to assess security threats and defense capabilities. To date, it doesn't look very good for us! Even though Obama made the promise to end the war, he also made the statement that Afghanistan as a righteous war that must be won. Even during Obama's acceptance of his Nobel Peace Prize, he pointed out that, "In a brutal world, armed force is essential." If everyone knew of all the covert operations Obama has sanctioned since in office, and has been apart of...they would also understand how funny a Nobel Peace Prize in his name really is! Obama also said, "We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth: We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes. There will be times when nations -- acting individually or in concert -- will find the use of force not only necessary but morally justified.''
High among the potential threats are outbreaks elsewhere of conflicts similar to the war in Afghanistan, a bloody and high-intensity war with insurgents driven by religious and tribal fanaticism. Iraq and Afghanistan, two conflicts in which the United States currently has committed 176,000 troops, are "not aberrations, but harbingers'' of future conflict, Michele Flournoy, the Pentagon's top civilian strategist, told reporters Monday.
All I know is that we are spending money hand over fist and we had better get used to it. There is no end in sight if we are to keep America safe. They are all around us people... and they hate us... because we are free.
You know...people really do hate our President. I am still stunned and amazed that so many people hate him...and these people are the same ones who followed him during the election, chanting his name and considering him a messiah... the savior who was going to change America. Now that he has changed things, they don't like him...or his changes...and they ain't seen nothin' yet! Just wait...he still has three more years to continue changing things here in America. Oh boy...can't ya wait?
I find the following statistics simply amazing concerning our President... yet I agree with a lot of them......why then is he president if so many feel these things?
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-- Sixty-three percent of Republicans believe Obama is a socialist while 21 percent disagree and 16 percent are not sure. I too believe his is a socialist due to his policies and agenda.
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-- Thirty-nine percent say Obama should be impeached, 32 percent disagree and 29 percent are undecided. I would really rather not have him in charge of America...but not Palin!
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-- Forty-two percent believe Obama was born in the U.S. while 36 percent do not, with 22 percent undecided. I do not believe he was born in this country...or Hawaii....
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-- Fifty-three percent believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president while 14 percent do not and 33 percent are undecided. At least she has been a governor a whole term.
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-- Thirty-six percent reject the idea that Obama is a racist and hates white people, while 31 percent says he does and 33 percent are undecided. I believe he tipped his hand with the Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. incident... Yes, I therefore agree...
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-- Forty-three percent say they don't believe Obama wants terrorists to win while 24 percent say he does, with 33 percent undecided. I have believed from the very beginning that he had too many ties to shady characters....Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Acorn and others to name a few, all of which had direct ties to terrorists. I think he is a Muslim sympathizer at heart, due to his father and his own beliefs.
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Will we ever be able to weather the storm throughout the next three years... only because we are Americans...Even when our POW's were locked up in Saigon for years, they all remained Americans...Free at heart, even if imprisoned in body.
Yes, we will remain Americans and free Americans, for there is no more formidable advisory than Americans fighting to retain their freedom. America always takes the fight to the enemy...And that's where it ends! We will triumph for God is truly on our side.

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1 comment:

Frances said...

Good post, Skip. I agree with most of your comments---I also don't believe Obie was born in the U.S. or he would have presented a real birth certificate to prove his birth. He is a racist, proven by the Prof. Gates episode. He does lean toward the Muslims,by his actions and his associations. And that passage from the Koran, WOW !!! That sounds very prophetic to me.
Have a great day.