More About being a Pissed off Patriot

Remember that I am of many culteral decents; French, German, Dutch Mennonite, American Indian and certified Hellion. I have a very healthy and comfortable relationship with God, but do not mingle with the church going wolves in sheep's clothing. ALSO, if I use a derogatory term to describe someone, remember it is only an expletive in today's dialect and often not my true feelings toward the person it describes. You know..."When in as the Romans." In my case usually..."When in Rome...Piss them off."

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday, Jan. 15th... Secession... Such an Uncertain Certainty in Subordinate Mutiny...

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I'm not at all amazed at the throngs of constituents murmuring this under their breath...after all... it's a pretty harsh topic among people scared to death already. Scared that everything they have worked a life time for is slowly (sometimes rapidly), going down the toilet...before their very eyes and there appears that there is nothing these individuals can do. They surely can't talk to their representatives... Hell; they're the ones rapidly picking the pockets of Americans. It's a fact that we do not enjoy the likes of Robin Hood...who would rob from the fat cat politicians and return the goods to the working class individual from whence it came. No each and every individual, middle class worker can only stand there, watching his belongings disappear, before his very eyes, as his neighbors look on in horror...shaking their heads in sheer disbelief, that such a hard working friend and neighbor is loosing his home and contents. And they are probably next!
Where do these people turn? Who will save the day? The American government? They're the ones robbing us! When your government doesn't recognize you any about you any longer...rapes you of all your money and steals all your belongings... just where can you turn? There is no one to turn to but yourself... Given enough unhappy people and you find a group who has all found themselves congregated at the same conclusion... They have turned to themselves... together... and now you have a mutiny...a revolt...Secession.
Perhaps secession is the only viable way in which to take your country back from those who have blatantly forgotten the rest of society, for if you vote those now in office outta there, who will fill their shoes...will they be honest or just as bad as the ones voted out? In the same thought, secession will produce smaller groups, congregated by folks closer to you and I. But...those folks will have to work together, state by state, in an alliance to a group of some type, for there is strength in numbers. How else would we survive the world around us and thwart invasion and takeover.
Oh the way would over see our nuclear arsenal and all the other military equipment, capable of snuffing life as we know it, once we empty Washington DC, of all that rife-rafe?
It would appear to me that we would be erasing a strong, bold, fearsome world power...thus resorting back a hundred years ......simply starting over... in this terroristic world... already forcibly standing at our the wolf... trying to huff and puff and blow our world apart.
Secession is a real pretty know....We're tired of your shit Washington! We're not gonna take it any more. We're leaving...we're gonna be our own little states...deciding what we want to do, when and how!
Just like a six year old with a pole and neckerchief tied onto the end, hanging over my shoulder...containing a candy bar, a sandwich, a skate key and a frog inside. I'll tell em'......"I'm goin' far away and you'll never see me again."
Hummmmmmmmmmm...... I don't think secession sounds so neat after all.
Well, at least leave early in the morning, cause it gets really, really dark out there at night when you're all alone...
Perhaps next time we better look more indepth and think longer and better...given the below!
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1 comment:

Frances said...

I don't think secession is the answer either, Skip. One reason our country is strong is because, in the past, we have been united for the common cause of keeping our country strong. But for some reason, the powers that be, decided we needed Obie, and got him elected, by hook or by crook. I still don't know how that happened. There have been times when I voted for whoever I thought was the lessor of two evils, because I didn't really like either candidate. We need someone in the oval office who wants the best for our country, not their own agenda. But how do we find that person???