More About being a Pissed off Patriot

Remember that I am of many culteral decents; French, German, Dutch Mennonite, American Indian and certified Hellion. I have a very healthy and comfortable relationship with God, but do not mingle with the church going wolves in sheep's clothing. ALSO, if I use a derogatory term to describe someone, remember it is only an expletive in today's dialect and often not my true feelings toward the person it describes. You know..."When in as the Romans." In my case usually..."When in Rome...Piss them off."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, Jan. 25th... The thing I want to know is...Who Gives A Damn About Any of This?

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... Blackwater charges... Who cares...who knows? I mean really, even if you were there, bullets flying...people running... who did what and why? Remember, there were American diplomats present who didn't know what was going on who's guilty of what. Rent a cop and you get what you get...doesn't matter if they are CIA, military or just a retired guard or gum shoe. The thing I do know is that they cannot properly be tried when it happened in that hell hole anyway. Go there and you're on your own.
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… The state of the union address....words, words, words...that's all he gives us. Same shit he promised before.....
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…the pope gets his own blog site and urges priests to adapt? Pope Benedict XVI will use his World Communications Day message in May to encourage the clergy to start blogging and using the internet and social media to connect better with their flocks. Again... Who cares? Send me you money... Send me you money... Send me you money...
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... George Clooney Haitian fund raiser... that $58 million was also just a preliminary total, as it has been reported by CNN that donations are still pouring into the cause, which expects the total to easily pass $60 million very soon. That plus a ka-zillion million other dollars should really put them on the map! Won't do much for the dead or the injured, homeless and dying, but the thugs, rapists and gang members will live much better. They can also afford a real Voodoo book from now too. I really hate these bastards that feed off of the generosity of the world as their own people starve and die right in front of them as they tear supplies away from them. Oh well, what you don't know, is better never known.....send your money where ever you want to and pretend it got there.
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... I hear also that PinocchiObama is ready to fight to protect us from crooks in business....bankers, credit card companies and other financial organizations.
GIVE ME A BREAK...... He does nothing that doesn't benefit Obama or Obama's friends. He can't control his own VP and cabinet, let alone big business interests. We'll send a bouquet to the funeral.........
To further accentuate the point I am trying to make, just watch Jack Cafferty speak exactly the way I feel about all our politicians under the direction and guidance of the Supreme ObamaClown....

What again do all our Congressmen and Senate representatives have to fear from the voting public????

1 comment:

Frances said...

Let's start a contest to see who is the most corrupt government official we have. Well, guess we better not, cause if all the corrupt officials were sent packing, there would be no one there to 'lead' us. However, I think we are being 'led' down the path of destruction, so how much further down will we go, is the real question. I love our country, and don't want to see it brought down.