I can't quite understand why the two federal agencies charged with keeping potential terrorists off airplanes and out of the country have been without their top leaders for nearly a year and why it took the Obama administration more than eight months to nominate anyone to lead the Transportation Security Administration and the Customs and Border Protection agency. No damned wonder we're sitting ducks here in America and no one can see potential terrorists as they willfully plot to destroy lives and property in the name of (gotta make this politically correct now so I don't hurt anyone's feelings) Some idiotic, towel-head, Muslim religion, that says if you kill innocent people on an airplane in the name of this cold blooded, murdering religion... you will be rewarded by God with a passel of virgin maidens. Now then...trying my very hardest to remain politically correct again... BULLSHIT! My God tells us to be loving, friendly, understanding and caring to others around us. My God hates those who shed innocent blood and will take those who are slain into his loving, protecting arms. There is no reward for the wicked... and thank God, he is with the righteous as they fight this Muslim evil... and by the way...if you're Muslim and I offend you...tough! Maybe you and your "decent Muslim friends" should band together and clean up your ranks and we'll then not offend you by hating your kind. There is bad in all races and yes... in this case, you are your brother's keeper. Clean up your act people... and quit being a plague on the world! All American politicians, war mongers and government thieves should stop to think about their affiliation with this evil also...whether for power or wealth, eternally damned is the reward you will seek if your hands are stained with the blood of innocent people... from both America or the innocent of the Middle East. Just yesterday, as I passed through the check-out line in an area supermarket, buying several items. I used a $1.00 off coupon which I had carried in my wallet for a little while, for one of these items which I was buying. I put the coupon under the item, with all the other items on the check-out belt and prepared to pay. The check-out girl immediately was alerted that my coupon has run out on Dec. 26th...two day ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alarms sounded, lights flashed and two security guards had me tackled and handcuffed in a heart beat. A national security council member immediately showed up, interrogating me, wanting to know who was with me and how many were also carring bad coupons.
Seriously, I was amazed... literally dumbfounded in the fact, that we cannot identify and stop a POTENTIAL TERRIORIST KILLER, when his name is on a list... and after his father alerts authorities... not even with all the governments sophisticated intelligence equipment, passing through all the airport security, but a lowly supermarket can whap you over the head instantly if you try to use an outdated coupon.
Perhaps we need Price-Chopper's check-out software at airports to "CHECK-OUT" airline passengers! Better yet...perhaps those Bastards in Washington could use Price-Chopper's system to profile our worthless Congressman and Representatives for their "Special healthcare files". If they did this, they could leave the $24 Million dollars they plan to steal from our Social Security fund to pay for their new system alone. If don't take that $24 Million, we can then let it go to the elderly in a cost of living raise, which they are prepared to take from the elderly for two years to pay for this new system. If they need a new electronic system for our political thieves, let them use the 3% raise the just voted themselves for as many years as it takes to pay for it. Better yet, lets take all these political assholes and toss them into our health care system and save everybody $24 Million dollars.....after all, nothin' from nothin' is nothin'...RIGHT?

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