More About being a Pissed off Patriot

Remember that I am of many culteral decents; French, German, Dutch Mennonite, American Indian and certified Hellion. I have a very healthy and comfortable relationship with God, but do not mingle with the church going wolves in sheep's clothing. ALSO, if I use a derogatory term to describe someone, remember it is only an expletive in today's dialect and often not my true feelings toward the person it describes. You know..."When in as the Romans." In my case usually..."When in Rome...Piss them off."

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Day One Without An Election.....or a Campaign Trail...

Well, it's all over but the shouting....and there is a lot of that. I have never seen such discontentment and hatred from people I thought were educated. You would believe the world was going to come to an end since Hillary lost the election. I never mentioned anything about either candidate to anyone, because it is the easiest way to lose friends who want to kill those who don't believe as they do... or at least they want to unfriend people they have been friends with for years. Why? For what? A lying politician? They all lie if they can...and especially if they can get away with it. I am not prepared to lose a friend over some worthless politician that could care less if either of us lived or breathed, because neither of us have anything to offer them in the way of wealth, power or favor to their political career. I'll never understand this.....NEVER.

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