What are ya gonna do? We can never win when we are normal people fighting against the government we fund, create, arm and give the power to govern us. Since the beginning of time people have agreed that a select few should run the business of the many in our group, so we pick a few, give them our voice, expecting them to reflect what we want to say and do what we wish to have done in running our country. It’s a good idea…but for the fact that greed and power will always prevail in the hearts of man. Everything goes well for a time and then those appointed people begin to feel superior to those they represent. They also see that they can manipulate things to their benefit and get away with becoming more and wealthier, as they stuff their pockets and make rules that apply only to them and not to those they speak for. Why else do members of Congress get a full retirement with medical benefits after one term? Why do they not have to take the affordable care act (Obamacare) if it’s so wonderful?
Whether you know it or not, this government shut-down is a game the government plays when they do not agree within their little elite group. When they cannot agree how to continue prospering at our expense or one group feels the other is getting too much power over the other, one group creates things like this shut-down and use it to lead citizens in a direction to defeat the other faction. Why do you think food stamps and health care to immigrants isn’t stopped? Why are the free cell phones still out there? Why is welfare to people with nothing not affected? Why is Michelle’s kid’s food program still in effect? Why do inmates at prisons still have their TV and internet access? Think about that. Now think about the impact on those people if these things were taken away. Hmmm.
Now think about social security retirees, Military widow’s benefits, half of the government workers, and programs such as parks, military monuments and other programs that benefit the majority of voters…and you can understand why they target these things instead. Pissed off puppets will march to the cliff and jump off…following one after the other, just as those lemmings do once their migration movement is in motion. If they hurt the biggest faction of voters in the country, then they can overpower the other group and claim the voters will prevailed. It is all a game of the Empire that runs the United States…and I don’t wish to imply they are all Americans either…NOT by a long shot. Some of the most powerful and wealthy people running the United States are not Americans, but they control puppets in government such as Obama without him ever realizing it. It is almost a subliminal control in a way, but it is still puppeteering.
Unless we stop, regroup and start over as a nation, we will continue to be controlled by our own government’s greedy leaders as they feed upon us like leeches. I believe we first need to do away with the Electoral College which decides who is president…not the people and popular vote.
Secondly, we need to make both senators and representatives positions a two year job with a pay limit and limited retirement with benefits the same as common folk. In other words, buy your own insurance coverage from the same place we do. If you can get a monthly paycheck for a measly two years of work, be happy. You can then use that retirement to pay for a medical plan like we are forced to do. YOU worked for us…remember?
The third thing we need to understand is that the buck has to stop somewhere. We cannot continue to give away cell phones, healthcare and food stamps for people that won’t work and who keep adding babies to the equation. If you cannot support you own children, don’t continue to have them. It isn’t fair to them or us. Stop adding more benefits for people that continue to breed without concern for the resulting birth of a child that will suffer because they are lazy and horny.
Agree with the above summation of our problems? Go ahead and agree…it will never change…because we can’t even get twelve people in a courtroom to agree to allow prayer in schools after every witness in that court must place their hand on a Bible and swear to God that they will tell the truth.
005433 © The Pissed Off Patriot
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