More About being a Pissed off Patriot

Remember that I am of many culteral decents; French, German, Dutch Mennonite, American Indian and certified Hellion. I have a very healthy and comfortable relationship with God, but do not mingle with the church going wolves in sheep's clothing. ALSO, if I use a derogatory term to describe someone, remember it is only an expletive in today's dialect and often not my true feelings toward the person it describes. You know..."When in as the Romans." In my case usually..."When in Rome...Piss them off."

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011... What To Do...What To Do...Seems Rather Simple To Me...

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The very first thing we can do is admit that we let everyone from the President, to our Congress, all the way down to the professional welfare recipient ruin our country, while we watched complacently from our easy chairs! It is as simple as slapping their hand like a child and saying, NO!
We cannot continue to import everything and export nothing! We make very little here in the United States anymore...and import all kinds of things from medications to yard and garden crap, with every imaginable thing in between. We are so lazy that we are giving China our money when they won’t even accept it in their own country. Just go there once; but you better exchange your dollars for the yen before going, just in case they quit making exchange at the airport. I believe that the airport is the only place in China that will make the exchange and the rates are not what they used to be. When China imports to us, they immediately turn the dollar over... basically unloading it for tangible goods such as gold, silver, copper, steel, aluminum or land here in the USA. They want nothing to do with us, but are still intelligent enough to milk us for all we’re worth. (And our worth is diminishing rapidly)
I think the road to recovery is as intricate as the web weaved by politicians which got us into this predicament! You know...intricate as it might be, we must start somewhere, so here it is; my place to start in all this.

Let’s drop the party affiliation here...RIGHT NOW...because politicians are guilty of stuffing their pockets legally and (to them) morally because we allow it, regardless of their party affiliation. In fact, I don’t think there are any original parties least not any with the actual scruples of yesteryears leaders. the agenda is to get into the term limits required to give you the “Golden Goose” retirement, while stuffing your pockets any way you can in the interim. They give away our country and retirement savings to no account, lazy bastards, who won’t work to make a living. Why should they, when we give them food, utilities, clothing and even recreation. We pay for them to have babies....and we pay for their babies to have babies! They receive all this for the promise of voting for the sleaze that gave it to them, completing the “circle of political life”.
If we ever wish to turn this around, we will need to:
1) Clean house in government from federal to local levels, replacing the high paid leeches with non-incumbents receiving regular wages!
2) Insist that they have medical and dental plans just like ours.
3) Insist that they must adhere and operate under to the laws we do.
4) Bring the major bulk of our Armed Forces home to protect our country and borders.
5) Give our military the same pay and benefits as our politicians. Given the amount we save by doing the above and having our military home, we will be able to fund an awful lot of programs and pay down our debt...possibly winning someday...maybe...
6) Start curbing imports and use every resource available to encourage economic growth and manufacturing here in the USA again, working to make exports greater than our imports. Do this and we will again see the USA strength return, while creating jobs for Americans...getting them off the welfare roles. First off, many don’t want to be there anyway, so in the end, you’ll find the lazy portion and we’ll deal with them later!
7) Close our borders to unregulated immigration...and then patrol the borders with our military personal. Open areas like Ellis Island in strategic areas to facilitate legal immigration.

Until we decide to take the bull by the horns, we will continue to go downhill until we all crash and burn. Our economy will fail and chaos will reign supreme. At that point, Obama will be removed by the strongest kid on the block and we will all speak their language, eat their cuisine, dress like they do and worship who they tell us to........OR.........DIE!

Being a firm believer in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost...I’ll say this in closing......this sure sounds like a good time for the entrance of an antichrist doesn’t it? Many people thought it was Obama....and it could be, but I believe it will be the one that turns this around and saves the world from impending disaster. Could that Antichrist be Obama??????
It was once said, it is written to be....therefore, so be it.

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