More About being a Pissed off Patriot

Remember that I am of many culteral decents; French, German, Dutch Mennonite, American Indian and certified Hellion. I have a very healthy and comfortable relationship with God, but do not mingle with the church going wolves in sheep's clothing. ALSO, if I use a derogatory term to describe someone, remember it is only an expletive in today's dialect and often not my true feelings toward the person it describes. You know..."When in as the Romans." In my case usually..."When in Rome...Piss them off."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010... Obama Is Really America's Savior...

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I know I've been bitching about Obama and all the trouble he's been causing since the election and I know I said he is a Muslim sympathizer who would hand the country over to the Muslims while he is in office and that he was no good for our country.
I WAS WRONG! I admit it!!! I WAS WRONG! I have now seen and understand what is going on here in America and I believe he is the very best thing that could have happened to the USA...and it's about time.
Our world has become a decaying apple in the barrel of every good memory that older Americans have of the United States and we all see it slowly (actually pretty damned fast sometimes) going down the tubes, because we all have become weak and lazy... so lazy we simply give in and shake our heads at the unpleasant things going on around us.
Obama has become the catalyst for America's change alright...and change it will...soon! Obama has set new all time records on such things as failed health care reform, failed and corrupt financial bailouts for big business, several failed stimulus policies, his failed immigration policies, which follow closely his "spread the wealth" ideals of communistic programs in the name of liberalism.
Day to day Americans like you and I are now rather complacent and conditioned by years of tolerance and slow change...change for the worse, but happening so slow that we one day look back and say, "How in the hell did we allow this to happen to America?"
Over the last fifty years we have seen slow and partial restructuring of the constitution's meanings in the name of tolerance. With the compassion of immigrants suffering in their own country, we've gone so far as to welcome illegal immigrants with promises of a silver spoon to jam in their mouth if only they open it for us to do so, taking more and more away from our senior citizens in the process. Our present welfare policies provide for an endless cycle of dependency, for illegal immigrants with the belief of entitlement, while we tell our own citizens they must do without.
Just as it was with Hitler, Obama's liberalism has become extremely fanatical. Hitler idolized fascism, but Obama represents an unchecked liberalism capable of being easily kidnapped by Islamic ideology!
Yes my friends, Obama is functioning right now as America's catalyst, forcing Americans to get off their complacent, dead asses and finally speak up instead of working, playing and living as individuals. As it was on September 11th, 2001...Americans are starting to bond together and awaken other sleeping Americans to the coming catastrophes through Obama's failed leadership. Americans are standing shoulder to shoulder and are becoming mad as hell about Obama's dealings with Islamic factions...yes, Americans are ready to take America back from the corrupt politicians and defeat Obama's planned agenda before Islamic rule steps in and takes over completely..... eventually enslaving even Barack Obama as a subservient Muslim.
We're tired of the past fifty years of liberalism. The increasing dependency on welfare by high school and college graduates who were taught that they were special and exceptional...... demanding special treatment, as if possessing the right to receive special programs and rewards that you and I will pay for. Most can hardly even spell their names or write them on the welfare enrollment papers.
Immigration laws were abandoned because of compassion for the poor unfortunate illegal aliens. What is wrong with doing it the correct way...the way our ancestors had to do it years ago.
We are the unfortunates as a result of failed schooling, uninterested parents, spoiled kids, belonging to irresponsible adults...We continue to bear increased taxes, which are then wasted ...criminals arrested and released so many times that judges know them by their first names. Lawyers and insurance brokers make fortunes from Doctors, business owners and contractors by charging them outrageous insurance premiums and fees. Our lives become more and more oppressed as these thieves become more and more wealthy. We have slowly learned over those past fifty years, to except these things as we continued to shake our heads and grumble.
Now, we have become awakened by Obama's attempt to control us and we are all fighting mad! Millions of Americans have had enough and are organizing... preparing... studying law and our historical documents and the constitution.
There is a revolution brewing...It will not be a violent revolution, as were all the others in our history. This revolution will occur at the polls according to the original constitution of the United States, which will guide Americans to victory in recovering and maintaining our country as our forefathers intended it to be.
All of this will occur thanks to Barack Obama... America's only lousy Savior....Ever!

003369©The Pissed Off Patriot


Frances said...

I sure hope you are right about this, Skip. If Obama gets back in as prez, we will be doomed for sure. That is, if we make it thru the first term. I couldn't believe he got in the first time, I had heard hardly anyone who was for him, yet there he is, living the good life at our expense. And making sure he tells everyone he is 'the president of the United States.' I have never heard any other president telling everyone he is president the way Obama does. He just wants to let us all know he is so much above us, and can do anything he wants to do.

Skip, The Pissed Off Patriot said...

I think he is very conceited and believes he is truly above the intellectual level of almost all Americans. (If not all) He truly believes all of his ideas are what is best for America and if they fail, it is because of someone else and what they did that caused the failure of his poor idealistic follies. He is like an engineer...they are sure, that if it works on paper, then it MUST work in reality, or someone screwed it up! You, rain is water and you can swim in water, MUST be able to swim in rain! Now whose fault is it that you can't? Probably Bush or Clinton's. Skip