More About being a Pissed off Patriot

Remember that I am of many culteral decents; French, German, Dutch Mennonite, American Indian and certified Hellion. I have a very healthy and comfortable relationship with God, but do not mingle with the church going wolves in sheep's clothing. ALSO, if I use a derogatory term to describe someone, remember it is only an expletive in today's dialect and often not my true feelings toward the person it describes. You know..."When in as the Romans." In my case usually..."When in Rome...Piss them off."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010... OKAY...That's It! We Need To Empty The Whitehouse...

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I'm far from racist...and I'm 100% American through and through...BUT.........
It's about time we get rid of this stupid, ignorant, arrogant, Asshole that we call our President. How dare he stand and listen....let alone agree with a foreign leader, coming from such a corrupt government as Mexico, complaining about our country racial profiling his thieving countrymen. We should have sent Felipe Calderón, President of the politically and likewise, economically failed Mexico, back across the boarder on a rail...tarred and feathered!

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How dare that miserable wet-back scruff come to our country's capital and bitch about his illegal alien people being scorned and unwanted in Arizona! Obama simply and silently stood there, as if to agree with this idiot from south of the boarder and our stupid Congress gives the ASS a standing ovation. I believe every one of the idiotic Democrats AND Republicans alike, needs to be tossed into the same tar pit, feathered and sent to Mexico along with PinocchiObama and Calderón.

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I for sick and tired of Obama distributing the wealth, kissing foreign bandit's asses and selling America down the tubes. ENOUGH ALREADY!
Each day seems to be something new we are expected to try and accept... and understand..... Ultimately, we become completely disenchanted with this leadership, feeling more and more betrayed! We need to vote all of the crooked, wise assed, politicians out and install new faces that owe no one any favors...and when we see underhanded things occurring, oust the guilty one from office immediately.

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We all need to become our brother's keeper and redistribute America's strength and dignity again! I still cannot believe our leader responded to such a tirade against America with silence, as that Mexican dildo claimed that Arizona's recently enacted immigration law "is forcing Mexican people there to face discrimination," and thereby he publicly trashed the State of Arizona, its legislators and its governor.
Hey stupid....your Mexican people are illiterate, lazy, baby making, welfare thieves, who will never do an honest days work as long as our politicians keep providing them with our best of America's milk and honey!

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Americans are tired of it! Americans are tired of our politicians. Americans are fed up!!!!!

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Our president.... constitutionally charged with the duty to defend America from all enemies, foreign and domestic, stood there...silent...allowing that to happen, which is as good as agreeing with this foreign head of state who is promoting an ongoing, aggressive, illegal, and often violent invasion of America! If our country is being invaded by a foreign power, is it wrong for us to expect the President of the United States to be on America's side? That's how it used to be in the past, anyway. If that's asking too much, could we at least ask that our president not publicly endorse the enemy's characterization of a very modest defensive effort as "discriminatory"? If even that is too much to ask, could our president at least not provide the invaders' leader with a White House venue to denounce our people and our laws? Especially when they sneak into our country, poison our youth with their drugs and kill anyone in their way, as our stupid politicians provide them with cars, benefits, medical care, schooling, and retirement for some one with no intention of ever getting a job.

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Ok folks, this Pissed Off Patriot is gonna tell ya something AGAIN!

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Barrack Hussein Obama does not like or sympathize with this country he was elected to represent! He continues to spit on our Veterans and our soldiers, as he sends into harms way as he sympathizes with the very Muslims we are fighting!
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I want to know what it is going to take to open some people's eyes. Are some people so blind or stupid that they believe this big eared buffoon doesn't want to run America into the ground and turn us all into Muslims, killing those who refuse to change? I'm not sure what his sick little agenda is for sure, but I don't like it...nor do I like him and you can call me a hate monger or whatever you like, but when this Muslim also condones lobbing heads off, because you don't agree with his policy or won't follow him, remember I told you so.....Just as I've been doing since election day, when America was draped in black.
03108©The Pissed Off Patriot

1 comment:

Frances said...

I like this post, Skip. It says some of the things I have been saying since Obie was elected. And now I read where Facebook, Twitter, and blogs will be monitored so they can stop people from talking bad about our leaders. That goes right along with trying to make this a Muslim country that he admires so much, where no one is free. Sad times for us Americans.